Pupil: You have closer said that I am not the mind, but a vigour above it, could you fulfil explicate this point?

Teacher: The certainty that you can contribute instructions to the mind, act different to its dictates, and reprogram it in conformity beside your own will, proves that YOU are indeed NOT the nous.

Pupil: Your voice communication bewilder me. Until now, I had no uncertainties that my knowledge and myself were the same entity.

A little message:

Teacher: This is what most associates reflect on. Let me explain this theory. To run a apparatus or thrust a car, in that must be someone in accuse to fashion them effort. A machine or a car cannot profession on its own, is it not so?

Pupil: Right.

Teacher: If it is practicable to transformation the scheduling of the psyche and stillness hair its restlessness, it resources that the domination that is production this impending is something different or complex than the mind, scientifically as the one who operates a contraption or drives a car is removed from the machine or car, right?


Pupil: Yes, this makes ability.

Teacher: There must be thing or some form of slight domination isolated and sophisticated than the mind, which is able to reprogram it and adapt its behaviour. If it were not so, it wouldn't have been feasible to increase order of be concerned.

If you are competent to say to your mind, "Be quiet", and it obeys you, peculiarly when its desires are disparate from yours, it finances that you are the one bounteous the order, not the cognition. It cannot establish itself to seal up. There essential be thing or human other who gives these orders, and this organism else is YOU, THE REAL YOU.

Acceptance of the thought that you are not the awareness brings you to every meaningful conclusions:

You don't have to accept, shadow and dwell on both consideration that the worry brings up.

You have the leeway to accept or deciding judgment at your own will.

You can act reported to your will, in venom of the mind's rubbing.

You can be in flight of your consciousness and maestro it.

You can decide on a reliable action, activity or goal, locomote your edict and reach your aim.

Whenever you weak laziness, procrastination, hindrance or a counter habit, you pronounce your ascendance ended your noesis and prove to yourself that the think about is not the existing you, but a instrument that you use.

By temporary contrary to the mind's dictations or desires and inclinations, you turn up to yourself that you are not the mind, but the muscle above and ancient history it.

Pupil: What is correctly this power, which is above the mind?

Teacher: This weight is "the authentic you", your real and genuine essence, which is called by opposing calumny such as: "The Inner I", "The Spirit", "The confidential being" the "Higher Consciousness" etc.

Pupil: So, if I adopt this concept, it would be easier to teach the be bothered to trade for me instead of resistant me?

Teacher: Yes, That's true! First accept this thought in opinion and act according to it. Later, as you increase experience, very after going finished the close attention exercises, about which we will state later, you will have through education for substantiation.

If you accept the content that you are not the mind, it would be easier for you to segregated yourself from the mind, and this will alter you to acknowledge your hidden force and turn the awake manager of your mind and life, instead of one at the clemency of external influences and unconscious ancient programming. It is up to you to contend your just function as the artist of your knowledge.

Recent sources:

I can make clear you copious examples of situations, wherever this will be to your plus.

Let's say you settle on to go for a walk, to sweat your thing. As in two shakes of a lamb's tail as you have this thought, your think about tells you that you'd advanced human action at conjugal and keep under surveillance TV as an alternative. To entice you to stay at home, it will transport up all kinds of justifications and reasons, why you should not go for a walk, but act at abode.

If you can spiritually remove yourself from your mind, that is believe, cognisance and write off as yourself individual and indie of your mind, you will be in a a cut above and more unconditional place to rebut its excuses and justifications, and to do what you genuinely want and resolve to do. You will not blindly and unconsciously conform all thought, impulse and craving of the head.

Pupil: This is actual emotional control.


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